unleash your optimal

unleash your optimal




INDIVIDUAL consulting

business consulting

workshops & speaking

Explore our offerings

personal consulting

Personal growth is complex, involving various aspects of our lives. Our individual consulting services offer a deep, personalized exploration of your journey. We focus on:

Examining multiple areas crucial for well-being
Implementing sustainable behavior changes
Creating systems for long-term success

This isn't a quick fix, but a lifelong path to reaching your full potential

In business consulting engagements, we aim to empower your business to thrive with more ease. Sarah brings 12+ years of corporate expertise to your company on both a short and long term contract basis.

Each business is unique, and we look forward to providing the individual attention your company deserves.

business consulting

workshops and speaking

Book Sarah for customized workshops and speaking engagements. Popular topics include:

Designing routines for peak performance
Using data-driven insights to achieve personal goals
Applying behavior change techniques to embrace change effortlessly

These sessions are tailored to your audience's needs and can be adapted for various group sizes and formats.

Get to
know sarah

Corporate professional turned coach, Sarah aims to help individuals and professionals unlock the most ease with operating in their day to day.

personal consulting
  • “You laid out a plan that I can follow. The structure of the program is brilliant, broken down into usable sections. I love the fact that all you say is non-judgemental”.

  • "I want you to know how much you have helped me on this journey to a healthier, stronger, more confident me!"