As I approach the one-year mark of being fully self-employed, I'm excited to share the transformative journey that has led to a significant evolution in my business. What started as Sarah Johnston Wellness has now become Sarah Johnston LLC, reflecting a broader, more holistic approach to personal and business development.

The Journey Begins

My entrepreneurial journey began with a passion for health and fitness, born from my own personal experiences. During the pandemic, I immersed myself in health coaching and fitness education, balancing this newfound passion with my corporate career in media marketing and advertising.

Initially, I launched my business as a full-time health coach. However, I quickly realized that my background in operational marketing and data analytics was an asset I couldn't ignore. This realization led me to a unique position where I found myself straddling two worlds: wellness coaching and business operations.

The Evolution

As I worked with clients and stayed attuned to market trends, I noticed something interesting. The term "wellness" had become oversaturated and often misunderstood. People tend to associate it primarily with food, fitness, and self-care, but I knew from experience that true wellness encompasses so much more.

This insight, combined with my diverse skill set, prompted a significant shift in my business model. I decided to rebrand myself not just as a wellness coach, but as a consultant who can help individuals and businesses alike in their journey towards holistic improvement.

The Rebrand

Sarah Johnston Wellness has now evolved into Sarah Johnston LLC. This change reflects my expanded services, which include:

  1. Individual Consulting: Helping people set clear goals, track progress, and overcome barriers using data-driven strategies.

  2. Group Programs: A six-week program focusing on various aspects of personal development.

  3. Business Consulting: Offering my expertise in data, marketing, media, analytics, and operations to help businesses thrive.

Lessons Learned

This first year in business has been a whirlwind of learning experiences. Here are some key takeaways:

  1. Embrace evolution: Be open to changing your business model as you learn and grow.

  2. Balance caution and bravery: Sometimes you need to take risks, but always do your research.

  3. Learn from failures: Tech issues, marketing missteps – they're all opportunities to learn and improve.

  4. Build a support network: Having fellow entrepreneurs to lean on during the ups and downs is crucial.

Looking Ahead

As I move forward with this new branding and business model, I'm filled with excitement and a renewed sense of purpose. My goal remains the same: to empower individuals and businesses to take control of their journey and achieve their full potential.

Whether you're considering starting your own business or looking to make a change in your personal or professional life, remember this: it's okay to evolve. In fact, it's necessary. Be open to feedback, be willing to adapt, and most importantly, stay true to your passion.

Here's to the next chapter of Sarah Johnston LLC. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us next!


Embracing Generational Shifts in Health and Well-Being: Insights from Dara Erck